The FREE app can be downloaded here:
This is going to not be perfect – so email me the bugs, so i can fix them.
jamie [at] healthyhuman.org
So this page is about the Acro Yoga App that is designed to help you find an acro yoga play partner without having to be friends with them on Facebook and be able to message them as well anonymously.
When you open the app – you will log in with Facebook.
Then, you click on the black box with pencil to edit your photo’s, profile and more.
As well as what types of acro yoga you like to do. (base, fly, standing, etc)
You do NOT have to fill in your phone number.
Then click on the very far right settings to chose what types of people you want to search for to do acro yoga with. (base, fly, standing, etc)
Then click on the middle world search button. You will see who is around you. (might not be that many yet, until the app grows in popularity)
Click on “list” in the upper right hand corner – and then you can message people through the app – to invite them to play.
You can also search people in a different area then you, by filling in a zip code of an area to search. this is designed if you are traveling somewhere soon, and want to find someone to play with on your trip.
Once you played with someone, you can rate the people you have played with.
If the app catches on, EVENTUALLY the app will allow you to:
Download and store offline videos of things you are working with.
Communicate with people in acroyoga community
Create and manage events and classes
Create and manage Jam’s
Chat/talk with friends
Keep a list of all the things you have done/can do – with video reference
Automatically import mutual acro yogi friends from facebook.
Vouch for other acro yoga people
and more.
So tell your friends, the app is free.